The Canfisco Group’s business includes harvesting, processing, and marketing sustainable seafood products.

To be successful into the future, we rely on the long-term sustainability of the fishery resources we harvest. Therefore, we take our corporate responsibility seriously so that we can continue utilizing a public resource for the benefit of harvesters, communities, and our employees well into the future.


Fisheries in Canada and the United States are among the best managed in the world as evidenced by the high ratio that have achieved Marine Stewardship Certification, the gold standard of third-party sustainability certification. The Canfisco Group is pleased to be an active participant in this program along with many other sustainability initiatives including the Responsible Fisheries Management program, Vancouver Aquarium’s Oceanwise, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Sea Choice program.

All these programs help ensure that fishery science, management, and monitoring will protect the long-term health of the resource and its habitat through third party verification.


The Canfisco Group believes that ethical business practices are the foundation of the success of our company. Partnerships with local communities, First Nations communities, environmental groups and other stakeholders, ensure that all perspectives are brought to the table as management decisions are made. Having high standards within the company for inclusivity, fairness and diversity ensures that all employees are afforded the same opportunity to succeed. We believe that giving back to our people and our communities makes for a stronger company and better work environment.

Modern slavery report

This Modern Slavery Report (the “Report”) addresses the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 and has been prepared in compliance with Bill S-211, An Act to enact the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff (Canada) (the “Act”).


Fisheries Council of Canada – Fisheries Council of Canada | Our Commercial Fishing Voice
Pacific Seafood Processors Association – Pacific Seafood Processors Association (
Canadian Groundfish Research and Conservation Society
BC Seafood Alliance – BC Seafood Alliance
Deep Sea Trawlers Association – DSTA – Deep Sea Trawlers Association of BC
Herring Conservation and Research Society
Alaska Seafood Marketing Association – About ASMI | Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
Pacific Salmon Commission – Pacific Salmon Commission (
Northwest Fisheries Association – Northwest Fisheries Association
Seafood Products Association – Seafood Products Association (
Steveston Harbour Authority –